
Showing posts from May, 2021

How to incorporate a Pvt. Ltd. company?

  The private limited company is a private firm, where all the shares are sold to the shareholders. This type of company is difficult to dissolve. In India, about 93% of the companies are enlisted under the Private Limited Company as it is a modest and popular form of business.  The private limited companies are legislated by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. If you are looking to establish a private limited company, you are at the right place. Read on to know more about the incorporation procedure in detail. What are the boons of the private limited company registration ? By transferring the shares, it is easy to collect funds. Before the minimum number of the share capital was Rs 1 lakh. But now, there is no minimum capital required. No pressure of fund requirements. No risk to personal properties. It is a separate legal force. The members are given a limited liability. The company is very difficult to dissolve. The transfer is clear as distinguished to the transfer of a di...